All That's Missing

Speak in tongues as forked as lightning,
Strikes me as I shelter ‘neath the tree.
Choose the profit of the needless,
In the church of damning sophistry.
And all that’s missing is a proud epistle,
From a homeless follower of fear.
Out of the mouths of babes and suckers,
Come the fables of the home and free.
Faith is rotting from the inside,
Truth is made by what is dared to dream.
Dear father tighten up the noose,
For they know, just what they do.
And a saviour would he lie to you?
This saviour wouldn’t die for you.
Black is white, the world is flatter
Characters are far too short to change,
Laws of physics merely options,
Rule of law is on an unread page.
I think we have a terrible problem in society, voting in people who are constantly acting against our best interests. There’s an extraordinary phenomenon in that politics is a religion for some people, where there’s no rational thought; no matter how badly a party acts, people stick with the party because that’s what they’ve always done and no amount of rational discussion will shift a viewpoint.
This all fell together, completely unlike Cecilia, very quickly. I watched an episode of Ozark where they were playing a Bowie song that use F and A as the main two chords in the verse and I thought, nah, that can’t be right. Tried it and thought, oh yeah, that’s good. Then somehow managed to get lots of other chords in that don’t normally fit together in the verse before throwing in a sequence that Dave then told me was a circle of fifths, which took me down a whole rabbit hole of music theory.